Identification of key success factors for offshore wind auctions

The objective of the project was to thoroughly understand the auction design, key success factors for bidders and required commitments. The client, who is familiar with the German market in general, sought support with the new regime as a preparatory step for deciding whether or not to prepare and participate in the 2023 auctions for pre-investigated and/or not pre-investigated sites. In addition, cruh21 contributed specific ideas and solutions as part of a bidding strategy.


Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative scoring criteria for both German auction designs under WindSeeG 2023

Analysis of the procedure, the requirements and rules for both German auction designs

Identification of key success factors

Initiating ideas for scoring at the qualitative criteria

Identify optimizing potentials and evaluate alternative solutions

Develop workstreams to reach a successful bid

Project overview

Complete Project title:

Identification of key success factors for offshore wind auctions



10.2022 – 01.2023

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Ursula Prall
Managing Director
Tel: +49 (40) 3346553-78