Gröönschnack un lopen in Hamburg

On the evening of September 6, 2023, energy enthusiasts and experts from various fields gathered in the cozy atmosphere of "El Tequito" restaurant at St. Pauli Fischmarkt in Hamburg.

LNG2Hydrogen: The Project to Convert LNG Terminals for Hydrogen Import

Since June 2023, Jimmie Langham has also been officially part of the 18-month sub-project TransHyDE - LNG2Hydrogen as one of the coordinators, together with our consultants Martin Wilferth and Anzhela Safina.

EEHH Summer Festival: cruh21 at StrandPauli

On 24 August 2023, the Cluster Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg invited to its summer party. Our cruh21 was there.

Networking Event: cruh21's First Time at the - Women of New Energies Round Table

Our partnership is starting out strong: cruh21 was on site at the big network meeting in Hamburg.

cruh21 joins - Women of New Energies: A Partnership for Equality and Energy Transition

cruh21 is looking forward to working with, the organisation that champions ambitious women in the renewable energy sector.

Maritime Hydrogen Users: How the German Maritime Industry Embraces Hydrogen to Achieve Climate Goals

A new study by the German Maritime Centre explores the potential and future role of green hydrogen and its derivatives in maritime subsectors: shipping, ports, shipbuilding, suppliers, and marine technology.

German Bundestag publishes Interim Report on the Development of Hydrogen Network

On 04 August 2023, the Bundestag gave an update on the development of a German hydrogen network. We at cruh21 have summarised the most important points.

Jimmie Langham interviewed by Erneuerbare Energien

Our managing director Jimmie Langham was interviewed fpr a special issues on hydrogen by Erneuerbare Energien. The topic was cruh21, the EEG and upcoming requests for proposals.

3rd edition of our newsletter "5 to 12": The role of hydrogen in the power system

So far, concrete market and tender designs are still missing, especially for the planned tenders for hydrogen power plants.

Copyright: Tagesschau

New Edition of the National Hydrogen Strategy

On 26 July 2023, Robert Habeck announced the new version of the National Hydrogen Strategy. cruh21 has summarised what this means in concrete terms.