TransHyDE at the #MEGATRENDHydrogen Conference

On 19 October, we attended the #MEGATRENDWasserstoff event in Berlin with the lead project TransHyDE.

cruh21 at "Energy Meets Industries" hosted by Drees & Sommer

On 18 and 19 October 2023, the Drees & Sommer event "Energy Meets Industries" took place. Dr Ursula Prall and Hanna Naoumis from cruh21 were on site.

Grafik: PtJ

TransHyDE: Brief Analysis of the LNG Acceleration Act

The lead project TransHyDE, under the leadership of cruh21, has published a new short analysis on the LNG Acceleration Act.

Grafik: PtJ

Jimmie Langham at "Green Hydrogen Generation, Transport And Application: German-Italian Perspectives On The Energy Transition And Hydrogen Economy"

cruh21 Managing Director JimmieLangham was a panelist at the workshop "Green Hydrogen Generation, Transport And Application: German-Italian Perspectives On The Energy Transition And Hydrogen Economy" in Berlin.

cruh21 at the BEW Training Course "Planning and Approval of Electrolysers for Hydrogen Production"

Benita Stalmann and Artur Flaum took part in the BEW's digital training course.

Meiko Neumann with MOHN at the UK-Germany Hydrogen Partnership Conference

The UK-Germany Hydrogen Partnership Conference took place in Berlin on 27 September. Meiko Neumann and Meryem Maghrebi from cruh21 were there.

Barbara Mai from cruh21 at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe in Bremen

Our Senior Consultant Barbara Mai was in Bremen on 27 September at the Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe in Bremen. A short insight into her day.

cruh21 at the "Hydrogen Projects Forum" of the EEHH

On 25 September, the "Hydrogen Projects Forum" of the Renewable Energy Cluster Hamburg (EEHH) took place. Our Senior Consultants Barbara Mai and Kai Ruske were there to talk about our projects.

cruh21 becomes part of the Drees & Sommer Group: Green hydrogen for the energy transition

cruh21 is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Drees & Sommer SE, a leading European consultancy, planning and project management company for real estate, infrastructure and industrial projects.

cruh21 at HUSUM WIND 2023 and at

From 13 to 14 September, our Senior Consultant Barbara Mai was on the move at the HUSUM WIND 2023 trade fair.