MOHN Workshop: Norway as a Pioneer in Offshore Hydrogen Production

The MOHN project's workshop brought together key stakeholders and experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of offshore hydrogen production.

Approaches for a Hydrogen Acceleration Act

Green hydrogen is a key element for the decarbonisation of the energy sector. To meet the demand, imports of green hydrogen and its derivatives are necessary. A hydrogen acceleration law should support the development of the necessary import infrastructure.

© Fährhafen Sassnitz GmbH

Press Release: Mobile Hydrogen Spherical Storage in TransHyDE

In the TransHyDE project Mukran, six partner institutions from industry and academia are developing new hydrogen spherical storage solutions. The project is part of the Hydrogen Flagship Projects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

cruh21 at E-world 2023

cruh21 - Established, Committed and Pioneers in the Hydrogen Industry.

2nd National Hydrogen Economic Forum in Hamburg was "a bit like a family reunion"

The exciting developments and findings of the 2nd National Hydrogen Business Forum.

Follow-up report on the success of the 6th GET H2 Live-Talk

The live talk provided a platform for top-class experts to discuss the future of hydrogen supply.

It´s that time of the year!

cruh21 storms the stage at the World Hydrogen Summit and HEROW Offshore Hydrogen Knowledge Platform to usher in a sustainable future.

cruh21 joins Both2nia network

By joining the Both2nia network, cruh21 is actively contributing to the development of the Baltic hydrogen economy.

Two Inspiring Days with cruh21 at the TransHyDE Workshop

Last week, cruh21 had the pleasure of participating in the TransHyDE Workshop in Goslar.

cruh21 was at the HEROW event at the World Hydrogen 2023 Exhibition

Challenges need to be addressed and valued to reach the targets of 500 MW offshore hydrogen production by 2031/30 in both the Netherlands and Germany.