Public Forum: Focus on Hydrogen Flagship Projects
Yesterday, an exciting panel discussion with Jimmie Langham and his colleagues Isabel Kundler from H2Giga/DECHEMA and Matthias Müller from H2Mare/Siemens Energy took place at HANNOVER MESSE. The topic "Hydrogen Flagship Projects: Enabling Germany's move towards a hydrogen economy" was at the centre of the discussion, which offered valuable insights into the future of the hydrogen economy.
Public Forum: Hydrogen Flagship Projects
The discussion centred on the crucial role of flagship projects in promoting the hydrogen economy in Germany. Numerous innovative companies are ready to drive the hydrogen economy forward, but many are still missing a crucial building block to take off - new perspectives on the flagship projects.
It was emphasised that it is necessary to complete the current flagship projects of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and to disseminate the knowledge gained widely in order to raise awareness of the importance of these projects.
In addition, it was discussed how the flagship projects can be further developed in order to reach industrial benchmarks and achieve the long-term goals for 2035 or 2040. It was emphasised that this requires close cooperation between industry, various ministries and the integration of ongoing projects in order to create synergies and avoid duplication.
Energy Transition through Cooperation
The panellists emphasised the importance of cross-ministerial cooperation and the need to make concrete contributions to the H2, port and import strategy in order to support the future hydrogen economy.
In conclusion, it was emphasised that it will only be possible to drive forward the energy transition and pave the way for a future hydrogen economy through joint efforts. The participants took away important impulses from the discussion and expressed their thanks for the inspiring discussions and the time spent together.