For us at cruh21, community and equality are part of our DNA and know that this is the only way we can bring about change. To this end, we are always looking for strong partners with whom we can work together to promote women in renewable energies. One partner is - Women of New Energies e.V., which hosted cruh21 for the first time.
The Advancement of Women in our Industry
Equality is a top priority at cruh21. With a 60% share of women, we don't need a quota, we live our values. However, the share of women in renewable energies in 2020 was only 32% across Germany. For us and - Women of New Energies e.V., this is not justifiable and needs urgent support. That is why we recently joined the initiative. has been supporting women's careers in the renewables sector since 2011. It is a vibrant network that facilitates the entry of young women into the industry through a mentoring programme or by connecting them to other networks. The network connects ambitious women from our industry and seeks to provide opportunities that might not have happened otherwise. A large part of this work consists of formats for networking, professional impulses and personal development.
Networking Event in Hamburg with Fascinating Guests
On 23.08.2023 cruh21 was a guest at one of the network meetings for the first time. Our Communications Lead Hanna Naoumis and Senior Communications Consultant Barbara Mai joined us. In a room full of impressive women, we talked about equal opportunities, our industry and the necessities of the energy transition. New contacts were made and further planned initiatives for mutual support of women in renewables were presented. We thank you for the great discussions and are already looking forward to the next meeting!