The lead project TransHyDE aims to analyse the possible technical options for a sustainable use of LNG terminal infrastructures and to conduct technology-open consideration of SNG, liquid hydrogen (LH2), methanol (MeOH), ammonia (NH3), liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) and dimethyl ether (DME) as alternative vectors. Jimmie Langham, one of our directors, is one of the overall coordinators of TransHyDE. As of June 2023, Jimmie Langham is also officially part of the 18-month sub-project TransHyDE - LNG2Hydrogen as one of the coordinators, together with our consultants Martin Wilferth and Anzhela Safina.
LNG2Hydrogen: Converting LNG Terminals for Hydrogen Import
This new cooperation project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is proving to be a crucial milestone for the realisation of the TransHyDE goals. It focuses on several key objectives of the national hydrogen strategy and thus contributes significantly to its implementation. Within the LNG2Hydrogen project, the following focal points are addressed in particular: The analysis, presentation and evaluation of the currently available technical options for a sustainable use of LNG terminal infrastructures. An outlook on short-term research and innovation requirements will also be given, with an open technology approach for alternatives such as Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), Liquid Hydrogen (LH2), Methanol (MeOH), Ammonia (NH3), Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) and Dimethyl Ether (DME).
Its main objective is to develop a solid data base and provide recommendations to support decision-making on the future use of LNG terminal sites as logistical hubs for hydrogen and its derivatives (H2 transport vectors). By creating a bridge between existing LNG infrastructure and future hydrogen applications, the project contributes to enabling efficient and sustainable use of these resources.
cruh21 as a Strong Partner for TransHyDE and LNG2Hydrogen
cruh21 plays one of the central roles in the LNG2Hydrogen project by managing and coordinating the consortium, ensuring that the project objectives are met. In doing so, it is responsible for reporting to the project executing agency and the BMBF and ensures effective networking of the consortium participants to enable the pooling of individual work and results.
In addition, cruh21 acts as a mouthpiece for the consortium within TransHyDE, represents the interests of the project internally and promotes the exchange across the consortium in close cooperation with the TransHyDE Coordination Committee. In addition to representing the network in overarching projects and publications, such as press releases, newsletter articles and scientific publications, we develop proposals for regulatory measures and incentives in cooperation with other project partners to promote the timely conversion or new construction of terminals for the import of hydrogen-based energy sources. We are looking forward to the cooperation in the network and eagerly await the upcoming results.