With great joy, we announce the official launch of the LNG project "LNG2Hyde" as part of the flagship project TransHyDE. An efficient transport infrastructure is essential for the smooth functioning of the hydrogen economy. Especially for imports, alternative solutions are required that go beyond conventional gas pipelines. Numerous ideas exist on this topic, but there is uncertainty about which solution is best suited for which application and how they can be most efficiently combined. For this reason, the TransHyDE flagship project aims to develop, evaluate, and demonstrate various technologies for hydrogen transport.
The main goal of the TransHyDE project is to comprehensively advance transport technologies along different development paths. It will conduct four demonstration projects, each testing and scaling up a different hydrogen transport technology:
- Hydrogen transport in high-pressure containers.
- Hydrogen transport in existing gas pipelines.
- Transport of hydrogen bound in ammonia.
- Hydrogen transport via LOHC (Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier).
In collaboration with the project sponsor, Jülich, and other partners, we, cruh21, aim to analyze the technical options for a sustainable LNG terminal infrastructure and emphasize the importance of transitioning to hydrogen. Together with the German Association of Gas and Water Experts (DVGW) - Research Center at the Engler-Bunte Institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), we will work on the sustainable use of LNG terminals and define criteria for future-proof infrastructures.
From cruh21, one of our managing directors, Jimmie Langham, is on board as the overall coordinator of the TransHyde project. Our consultant Anzhela Safina represents the point of contact and is working on LNG2HyDE together with our consultants Cäcilia Gätsch and Martin Wilferth. We are very much looking forward to the cooperation and would like to thank all those involved. Special thanks go to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for funding this very important project.