Maritime Hydrogen Users: How the German Maritime Industry Embraces Hydrogen to Achieve Climate Goals

The utilisation of environmentally friendly-produced hydrogen and its derivatives plays a pivotal role in achieving both national and international climate targets. In addition to renewable electricity, hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels are increasingly seen as the primary energy sources of the future, driving ecological sustainability and securing competitive advantages.

Ports and Shipping Industry Embrace Hydrogen Integration

Amidst this evolution, the maritime sector assumes a key role as a mode of transport and distributor. Its significance for national sovereignty, coupled with its role as a stakeholder in hydrogen utilization and distribution, is becoming increasingly apparent. The maritime industry aims to gradually replace fossil fuels with hydrogen and its derivatives, primarily achieved through transitioning ships to eco-friendly propulsion systems. The German merchant fleet, due to the specific routes its vessels navigate, is expected to internationally source its hydrogen requirements. A similar necessity applies to the global merchant fleet seeking bunkering solutions in German ports. These projections are pivotal in planning hydrogen bunkering facilities in German seaports.

The study conducted by the German Maritime Centre in collaboration with Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH has determined the demand for hydrogen technologies across various subsectors of the maritime industry. This analysis not only outlines the projected hydrogen demand but also underscores that the maritime sector will require over 3.5 million tonnes of hydrogen or hydrogen-based fuels annually.

German Ports as Hydrogen Energy Hubs

To meet the projected hydrogen demand, German ports must establish themselves as hydrogen and its derivatives' energy hubs. The shift to hydrogen-based fuels in port handling equipment is an anticipated secondary effect of this transformation. The maritime industry will not only become a significant hydrogen consumer but also a crucial distribution channel for alternative energy carriers.

This transformation of the maritime sector towards climate-neutral propulsion and the expansion of German ports as energy hubs not only presents the opportunity to drive the energy transition in Germany but also positions the industry as an international leader in the maritime supply chain. To capitalise on these prospects, a coordinated strategy among all maritime stakeholders and close collaboration with other industries and sectors are of paramount importance.

cruh21 as a Strong Partner for German Ports

cruh21 can assist ports in navigating this transformative process: we offer guidance on regulatory matters, identify and manage relevant stakeholders, and collaborate with German sea and inland ports to develop robust and accepted strategies.

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