Hanna Naoumis for cruh21 at the Norwegian Business Summit

Yesterday, our colleague Hanna Naoumis attended the Norwegian-German Business Summit and was delighted to hear H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway speak about the importance of the green industrial transition. The event not only emphasised the symbolic importance, but also focused on concrete steps and cooperation between the two countries.

Green Hydrogen and its Central Role in the Energy Landscape

The discussions at the summit in Hamburg, led by renowned hosts and speakers such as Julia-Niharika Sen, Minister Jan Christian Vestre and Almut Möller, emphasised the strength of Norwegian-German partnerships in promoting the green transition. A central point of the event was the prominent role of hydrogen in the energy transition. Industry leaders emphasised that hydrogen is ready to take a central position in the energy landscape. Producers are prepared, but it was emphasised that solid public support and infrastructure improvements are needed to close the gap to a hydrogen-based economy.

Hamburg as an Upcoming European Hydrogen Hub

Hamburg is also developing as a European hydrogen hub for import and distribution. Initiatives such as the Hamburg BlueHub by Evos and green ammonia import terminals are laying the foundations for a new energy era and positioning the city as a major hub for hydrogen import and distribution in Europe. The participation of high-ranking personalities such as H.R.H. Crown Prince Haakon of Norway illustrates the commitment at the highest level to the green transition. This event was not only characterised by discussions, but also focused on concrete measures. The strategic direction of both countries is clear: a transition to low-carbon solutions is essential, and by working together, Norway and Germany are leading the way in this pioneering development.

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