Gröönschnack un lopen in Hamburg

The event, known as "Gröönschnack un lopen," promised an entertaining and informative evening focused on renewable energies, particularly the emerging hydrogen economy. The Renewable Energies Cluster attracted a diverse list of companies and institutions, including the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), the West Coast University of Applied Sciences, Hydac International GmbH, Vattenfall Energy Solutions GmbH, Hanseatic Power Solutions GmbH, BP Europe SE, Stadtreinigung Hamburg AöR, and Hamburger Energiewerke, representing a broad spectrum of participants.

After enjoying a refreshing "Welcome Margarita" on a warm evening with temperatures reaching 35 degrees, conversations and discussions began. During the various groups formed for a stroll around St. Pauli Fischmarkt, one of the main topics of discussion was communication and the widespread lack of knowledge transfer in the emerging hydrogen economy. Representatives from companies like HAW and BP Europe SE, as well as research institutions like the West Coast University of Applied Sciences, shared their experiences and observations. It became evident that effective communication mechanisms and clear knowledge transfer were often lacking.

During the concluding gathering at the restaurant, solutions to these challenges were discussed. Barbara Mai, representing cruh21, shared her experiences with the establishment of internal knowledge platforms in some projects. However, it also became apparent that implementing such solutions on a larger scale remained a formidable challenge. Despite intensive discussions and idea exchanges, a clear conclusion or solution was not reached. The complexity of the hydrogen economy and the diverse interests of the participating companies and institutions made it difficult to find a unified solution.

"The meeting was a positive step toward improved collaboration and communication between science and business, and we'll undoubtedly need many more discussions to find a solid solution," Barbara remarked after the event.

Overall, the "Gröönschnack un lopen" event provided an opportunity to shed light on the challenges and opportunities in the hydrogen economy and promote cooperation among the participating companies and institutions. With an enhanced awareness of the importance of improved communication and effective knowledge transfer in this emerging sector, we sail forward into the autumn season.

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