cruh21 invited to H2Mare-workshop: "regulatory needs in offshore hydrogen production".
Titeled "Regulatory needs in offshore hydrogen production from the perspective of science and practice", cruh21 invited to the online-workshop within the framework of the hydrogen lead project H2Mare.
After a warm welcome by Dr. Ursula Prall and a video greeting by Stefan Müller, Head of Department Future Provision - Research for Basic Principles and Sustainable Development from the Federal Ministry for Research and Development (BMBF), Andreas Ide from the TU Berlin and project partner in the H2Mare alliance TransferWind gave a presentation on "Regulatory Requirements and Obstacles of Planned Offshore PtX Plants" from the science side.
From the offshore industry, Thomas Schwabe from Siemens Gamesa and coordinator of the H2Mare network OffgridWind spoke on the topic of "What is available, what are we doing, what is still missing? - H2 directly from the turbine (DOHP)".
Cäcilia Gätsch led through the interactive workshop part, in which the greatest regulatory needs and gaps were jointly identified. The aim of the workshop was to show the status quo of the legal framework for the offshore production of renewable hydrogen and derivatives and to identify the main needs for further development that are apparent from the perspective of science and practice in project planning and implementation. The workshop results form the basis for more in-depth work in the field of regulation.
Finally, Silke Stahl, head of the department for market ramp-up of hydrogen production, from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) gave the participants an insight and outlook into the current work programme of the BMWK and her department. Jimmie Langham bid farewell to the participants and gave an outlook on how cruh21, under the leadership of Ursula Prall, will continue to drive forward the regulatory activities in the hydrogen guidance project H2Mare.
We thank all participants, speakers and the moderation under Benita Stalmann. We look forward to further joint activities.