The Renewable Energies Hamburg Cluster regularly organises the "Hydrogen Projects Forum", which focused this time on the issue of hydrogen transport. Renewable Energies Hamburg as a cluster organisation with members from the diverse fields of the renewable energy sector and the hydrogen sector in Hamburg and northern Germany brings together partners from industry, science, politics and society. Thus, it promotes the regional, national, but also international exchange of interested parties and represents an important place for exchange. Senior consultants Barbara Mai and Kai Ruske from cruh21 were there on 25 September, Barbara as a participant and Kai as project manager and speaker on the TransHyDE project LNG2Hydrogen, which is funded by the BMBF.
TransHyDE: LNG2Hydrogen as Solution to the Hydrogen Transport and Logistics Question
The challenges in the field of transport and logistics were the focus of the current debate. Kai Ruske from cruh21 presented the current status of the TransHyDE LNG2Hydrogen project. This project aims to use LNG terminal infrastructures as logistical hubs for hydrogen and its derivatives. However, in order to promote the conversion or construction of terminals for the import of hydrogen-based energy carriers, it is necessary to create regulatory measures and incentives. This appeal became clear during the discussion at the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt, where participants stressed that concrete measures are needed to drive the change. One promising project that can provide answers to these challenges is TransHyDE - LNG2Hydrogen.
Other Exciting Presentations on the Topic of Hydrogen Transport
Thomas Rust from Ramboll underlined the urgency of these efforts, as 2030 is already around the corner. Planning efficient transport routes and managing permitting procedures are crucial, especially given the fact that hydrogen is flammable and safety aspects need to be carefully considered. Carina Meyer of HOYER Group, an expert in hydrogen transport, stressed the need for standardisation of equipment and training of loading and unloading personnel. The limited availability of space and hydrogen tanks often makes the drop-and-swap model difficult, which makes thorough logistics planning essential.
Wilhelmshafen as a location was also mentioned. In Germany, the port of Wilhelmshafen is being transformed into a promising transhipment point for hydrogen transport. An LNG terminal already in operation and plans for a green hydrogen electrolysis plant with 1 GW capacity make this location an important hub for hydrogen transport along the North Sea. It was a successful exchange.
cruh21 as a Strong Partner for Hydrogen Transport
Openness to develop proposals for regulatory measures and incentives shows that the industry is determined to optimise hydrogen logistics and infrastructure to make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the energy economy by 2040. Despite academic discussions, there is now an increased focus on the implementation of these important steps. cruh21 as a strategic project consultancy for exactly these topics, is thus a strong partner not only for LNG2Hydrogen, but also for other projects. We thank you for the stimulating exchange and look forward to the next round of discussions!