34th Meeting Point Renewable Energies Hamburg: Future Requirements for Distribution Grids
Phillip Heilmaier from Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) and Markus Dietmannsberger from Schleswig-Holstein Netz AG provided insights into the challenges and opportunities that come with the transformation of the power grids. Phillip Heilmaier highlighted Germany's goals to generate at least 80% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030 and to become climate neutral by 2045. Achieving these goals will require massive investments in grid expansion, especially at the distribution grid level, where a large portion of renewable energy is fed in and out.
Challenges and Solutions
While grid expansion costs benefit all grid users, they are currently not evenly distributed. Regions with high renewable energy feed-in, particularly in the north and northeast of Germany, currently bear the highest costs. Markus Dietmannsberger emphasized the importance of intelligent and efficient networking of generation and consumption to limit grid expansion costs. He presented concepts and technologies that could help ensure grid stability while reducing costs. A key focus was on the integration of e-mobility and heat pumps, which can make a significant contribution to the energy transition if optimally integrated into the grid.
Women@EEHH Meeting
Before the main meeting, we had the opportunity to participate in the Women@EEHH meeting. The exchange among the women in the network was, as always, inspiring and provided a wonderful space for ideas and discussions. Notably, the topics of equal opportunity, equal pay, and support for female founders were highlighted. Special thanks to Kirsten Schümer for moderating and Astrid Braun for introducing Lhyfe.
Conclusion and Outlook
Despite all progress, one conclusion remains: we are not yet at our goal.