MOHN – Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen North Sea  - FKZ: 03SF0675A

With the announced targets for offshore wind at the Esbjerg summit, the North Sea is to become the powerhouse of the EU. It is predestined for large-scale hydrogen production. Considering the growing offshore hydrogen projects and initiatives in the region, cross-border cooperation between neighbouring states is essential. Therefore, the development of a transnational concept for offshore hydrogen production and transport is urgently needed. MOHN (Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen North Sea) is taking up this challenge. The project aims to develop a strategy to accelerate the implementation of offshore electrolysis capacity in the North Sea.

cruh21 services

Overall project management

Offshore, regulatory, spatial planning

Stakeholder management

scenario development and evaluation

developing a strategy for the ramp-up of offshore electrolysis in the North Sea thereby exploring cross-border concepts to accelerate implementation

integrating existing national and regional initiatives and stakeholder activities into a coordinated and effective plan

developing framework conditions and lessons learnt from the countries

producing valuable guidance for ongoing onshore infrastructure planning activities

Project overview

Full project title:
MOHN Masterplan Offshore Hydrogen North Sea -  - FKZ: 03SF0675A

Client and Duration:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 7th Energy Research Program

01.09.2022 - 28.02.2024

Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Energy (IEG)

Do you have an interest in our services or do you have any questions ?

Meiko Neumann
Managing Director
Tel: +49 (40) 3346553-77