H2Mare – TransferWind

The ramp-up of the hydrogen economy requires technologically viable concepts for hydrogen production. The direct production of green hydrogen on the high seas using offshore wind turbines without grid connection can significantly reduce costs compared to onshore production. The H2Mare lead project is researching the offshore production of green hydrogen and other power-to-X products.

cruh21 services

Knowledge management and interface communication

Regulatory Development and establishment of a digital knowledge platform

Identification of regulatory gaps in the context of obtaining planning approval for PtX installations offshore

Intiating the necessary legal and/or regulatory measures to concretise legal terms in order to facilitate the administrative planning approval practice

Networking across lead projects and identification of regulatory focal points across lead projects

Project overview

Full project title:
H2Mare TransferWind - FKZ: 03HY303P

Client and Duration:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025.

DECHEMA, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Offshore Foundation, Ineratec, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Siemens Energy, DVGW ebi, Siemens Gamesa, University of Applied Sciences Wismar, University of Stuttgart, Technical University Berlin (TU), Hereon, Fraunhofer, EUCC -D

Do you have an interest in our services or do you have any questions ?

Verena Hertzsch
Tel: +49 (40) 3346553-74