TransHyDE - Communication & Coordination - FKZ: 03HY208H

In order to advance Germany on the path to climate neutrality, several hundred million tonnes of hydrogen are needed annually. Therefore, transport and storage technologies for short, medium and long distances are urgently needed. This is precisely where the TransHyDE project comes in: The lead project will comprehensively develop the transport technologies - in a technology-open manner along the four value chains of gaseous hydrogen (H2), liquid hydrogen (LH2), green ammonia (NH3) and LOHC ("Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers").

The consortium consists of 105 project partners from applied research, business and industry. The complexity of the partners, projects and work packages to be coordinated is high. For this reason, the association Communication & Coordination (KoKo) was established. The tasks of the network are to implement the project strategy agreed with the steering committee and to coordinate and ensure the internal exchange of information within the project consortium.

But TransHyDE is also active at ministerial and political level: the exchange with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) on regulatory and licensing issues and the inclusion of important stakeholders from the professional world, society and politics are part of the KoKo network.

cruh21 services

Internal coordination and communication of the subprojects

Stakeholder management and implementation of target group-specific communication and participation formats

Establishment of a regulatory community to develop proposals for optimizing the legal framework for the hydrogen infrastructure.

Publication of white papers on current hydrogen storage and infrastructure topics.

Establishment of a knowledge database for knowledge and insight transfer for the well-founded development of a hydrogen infrastructure.

Project overview

Full project title:
TransHyDE Communication & Coordination - - FKZ: 03HY208H

Client and duration:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025

Fraunhofer IEG, Max Planck Institute CEC

Do you have an interest in our services or do you have any questions ?

Benita Stalmann
Tel: +49 (40) 3346553-74