Verena Hertzsch
Verena Hertzsch is working at cruh21 since March 2021. The M.Sc Ship and Marine Engineer is successfully and firmly integrated in various projects as a consultant at cruh21. She advises as a project engineer in the TransHyDE Helgoland, TransHyDE Mukran and TransferWind consortia in the hydrogen lead projects TransHyDE and H2Mare funded by the BMBF. There she is responsible for knowledge transfer between the projects. She also has an eye on knowledge management within the cruh21 team. Since September 2022, she is supporting the Rügen-Stralsund region as a project engineer in the creation of a regional hydrogen concept.
Main focus
- Application of hydrogen and its derivatives in the maritime sector
- Floating Offshore Wind
- Marine Renewable Energy
2016 – 2021
Master studies in Marine and Ocean Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin
2012 – 2016
Bachelor studies in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin
02/2023 – ongoing
Consultant, cruh21 GmbH
06/2021– 02/2023
Junior Consultant, cruh21 GmbH
03/2021 – 05/2021
Working student, cruh21 GmbH
01/2020 – 12/2020
Student assistant, German Association of Local Public Utilities of municipally
11/2018 – 09/2019
Master student, Marine Research and Innovation Center (MERIC)
08/2015 – 09/2018
Student Assistant, Technical University of Berlin, Department of Dynamics of Maritime Systems.
Relevant studies and projects
09/2023 – ongoing
Project engineer: SHyP – GHyD: Matching Scottish Hydrogen Supply to German Hydrogen Demand
Client: NZTC
11/2023 – ongoing
Project engineer: H2-Strategie Südbaden
Client: Klimapartner Oberrhein
03/2023 – ongoing
Project Manager: H2-Mare – TransferWind: Knowledge Management, Interface Communication
Client: BMBF
04/2021 – 03/2023
Project Engineer: H2-Mare – TransferWind: Knowledge Management, Interface Communication
Client: BMBF
08/2022 – ongoing
Project Engineer: Development of the regional hydrogen concept for Rügen-Stralsund
Client: Hanseatic City of Stralsund
06/2022 – ongoing
SEN-1 Pre-Tender Consulting
Client: an international project consortium
Project Engineer and coordination: consulting for a large scale production plant for green ammonia from wind energy
Client: financial advisor for projects and investors in the RE sector
04/2021 – ongoing
Project Engineer: TransHyDE – Helgoland: Knowledge Management, Interface Communication
Client: BMBF
04/2021 – ongoing
Project Engineer: TransHyDE – Mukran: Knowledge Management, Interface Communication
Client: BMBF
11/2018 – 09/2019
Master student: Marine Research and Innovation Center (MERIC) and Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh),
Adaptation of marine renewable energy technologies to natural hazards and local constraints.
Verena Hertzsch
cruh21 GmbH
Mob: +49 0151 5417 3233
Tel: +49 40 3346553-74