
Verena Hertzsch

Verena Hertzsch is working at cruh21 since March 2021. The M.Sc Ship and Marine Engineer is successfully and firmly integrated in various projects as a consultant at cruh21. She advises as a project engineer in the TransHyDE Helgoland, TransHyDE Mukran and TransferWind consortia in the hydrogen lead projects TransHyDE and H2Mare funded by the BMBF. There she is responsible for knowledge transfer between the projects. She also has an eye on knowledge management within the cruh21 team. Since September 2022, she is supporting the Rügen-Stralsund region as a project engineer in the creation of a regional hydrogen concept.

Main focus

  • Application of hydrogen and its derivatives in the maritime sector
  • Floating Offshore Wind
  • Marine Renewable Energy


Verena Hertzsch
cruh21 GmbH
Mob: +49 0151 5417 3233
Tel: +49 40 3346553-74