Project Lead Zero Carbon

Frank Richter


Frank Richter has been with Drees & Sommer since April 2024. As a process engineer specialising in hydrogen plants, he is responsible for the technical implementation of projects in the role of project manager. In addition, he provides support on approval-related topics from conceptual design to application submission. 

Before joining Drees & Sommer, Frank Richter worked as a project engineer planning plants in the chemical sector. Among other things, he was able to advance and implement several hydrogen projects from conceptualisation to basic and detailed engineering. 



Main focus

  • Plant planning in the field of process engineering with a focus on hydrogen 
  • Authorisation planning according to BImSchG and Hazardous Incident Ordinance 
  • Concept development for renewable energy plant with focus on sector coupling 
  • HLSK planning


Frank Richter
Drees & Sommer SE
Tel. +49 172 7696815​